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WIWL: A new cast and setting for Dishonored!

Hello all,

Dishonored 1 and 2 are among some of my favourite games. I have always had a soft spot for stealth games, although, sadly I'm not very good at them. Dishonored has always had a solid tool set to play with a massive and interesting world leading to so many possibilities and fun interactions with the world. Another great thing it does that most don't is build a world where the lore is spread through out for a great narrative to find through the environment. Mixed with the fact that you have to be stealthy to find the lore makes it feel all the more rewarding when you can sneak through or even fight to find great info.

We know so much about a small cast of characters in two parts of the world, now I want to see them expand to other areas with new characters. I would LOVE to see them go to a whole new region with new people and a whole new set of powers.

At the end of Dishonored 2 it was said that Solkolove goes to travel around and continue researching all new things. I think it would be cool if the new game would take place years after Dishonored 2, way in the north. Solkolove has been out travelling and ends up at a northern country where he eventually dies. There a young person would find Solkolove's research and learn about Corvo, Emily, The Outsider, and Daud's group. This young person would be a whole new character with their own reason to fight.

This character comes from a war torn area of the north. A place where many small countries lie and battle, some rich some not so rich. Here the character and their family has been trying to survive, but eventually stumbles upon Sokolve's research and then tries to get the same powers as the cast of the original Dishonored games, to fight for freedom. From here the character can decide on whether a certain country or side would be a better fit to rule the area or if they should just destroy all the leaders and unite the land.

It would be up to the player if they want to proceed like the original games to take the thrown or just take down certain rulers to stop the war. It won't have to be about the monarchy but stopping a war. In the characters pursuit they may travel to Dunwall to talk to Corvo and Emily to further their controller of the powers and get stronger.

For the powers I think it would be cool to have something different then what was in the original games. Maybe have more environmental control like causing snow storms, an ability to phase into walls, levitate small objects, but do something different. Maybe even the ability to transform into people instead of possessing, that would add in a whole new disguise system and a mechanic like the Hitman games. A new movement ability could be something like a hard dash that could shove enemies or knock them flying, maybe even break walls. Maybe add an ability where you make people go berserk and attack everyone. but this would also make people more on guard and have reinforcements come in.

The war torn area in the north would be interesting because you could have strongholdesque like places and old school castles that groups have taken over to explore. You could even have villages that span up mountains and hills to add verticallity. Towns and cities that are ruined. These would be the outskirts and then have giant sprawling cities for capitals or the richer areas, this would have levels more akin to the original games. You could also have areas with giant trees to move across.

I feel having a new setting and a new set of powers to play with would be something that people would find interesting and a new take on the world of Dishonored. I also feel that having a new setting and new set of tools would be refreshing because the first two games felt so similar. It would be nice to have something new. Dishonored has the potential to set up so many cool and interesting areas, powers and I would LOVE to see them do more.

Is there any cool new powers, settings, characters, or ideas you would love to see come from teh Dishonored franchise?

Thanks for reading!

Have a wonderful day/night!

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