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Why there has been a hiatus, and the future!

Hello all,

I am so very sorry for the long hiatus that has been going.


The reason why this blog went on hiatus:

I originally started doing this in my last semester of college. I also started this on a site called which was a horrible place to start this.

At one point I was unable to continue making the posts because school became very busy. I was working on homework, a job, and working on a game for my schools post grads. With all this work I needed to get it done, and done quickly. Meaning, I had no time really to write for the blog, let alone play any games to write about.

So school ended and I was busy with a few other things but then I finally went to go back and start writing again, but was down all across with a 502 bad gateway. It was down for two to three weeks. Once it was up I was able to secure and copy my articles from the old site and slowly edit and prepare them for here. I was working on setting up Wix at that time also. Once I had the articles ready I spent a lot of time trying to learn Wix. Even though this site isn't all that pretty, I've learnt a lot. Then I wanted to have a few articles ready and uploaded for when I went live. So with being busy with work, and other projects spilling over after the school year, it took me some more time.

Then I was faced with a huge scare - my laptop stopped working properly. For about a month I was having a computer problem. My laptop wouldn't charge properly. So I had spent a lot of money just to find out I had to get the DC Card replaced (where the charger plugs into the laptop). So needless to say this was another prolonged period of time. Then came more learning and writing.

After getting the laptop back I had to learn more about Wix and find inspiration to write a new article, more so for a topic. So I started playing around with Wix, trying to teach my self it's intricacies. Finally I got some articles written! Then I was trying to come up with a logo, and I didn't know if I should go live before I had a logo made... The funny part is that I am a terrible graphic designer so I would be the wrong person to make it, let alone when being pressed for time. I have ideas, just no real skills to do so. I will continue to try and create the logo though.

Now I have a new job, one that has longer hours and a a hour and a half commute, but hey, I get to make movies 3D, at this point in my life that's pretty cool. This really does cut into my personal time and takes away from writing in excruciating ways.

What I wanna do with the future:

So I want to continue this blog and do what I love. I have various personal projects on the go, a girlfriend, family, and a job that all keep me busy. But I am going to make more posts but, at this point in time I see that I will be able to do two posts a month. This includes playing a game and then writing.

So I will be branching from more than just video games, I will see about covering much more in the games industry, but still sticking to critiquing the design of games.

I feel by doing this it will give me more opportunities and topics to write about. I have various ideas and will be tackling some upcoming games. I have a few games on pre-order and will hopefully be able to play them enough to make a post shortly after they come out.

What my process is:

Just so you know I do all my writing at night when I have no distractions and I half way kind of ignore my girlfriend and obligations for about 30 mins, sorry sweet heart :P (but honestly she has been a huge help pushing me to do this and helping with editing so thank you). One night I'll throw some music on and just write. I will sit there for any where between 30 mins to a hour just writing, throwing all my thoughts on the page. Next I relax for the rest of the night and then look at it the next day with a fresh mind and eyes. There I will edit, re-word, and restructure, and design how it looks. I will almost always have an Idea of pictures to find, but then I have to find them. Once I have it edited and designed, I may have my girlfriend go through and edit it further more. (He does, $20 says he wont find this)

I may make it live that night or I will wait to the next night in case of further editing, finding pictures, or ideas. Once I make the article live I go to twitter and make a post with a link saying a new one is live.

Now that you know my process:

So as you can see I do take my time with these posts, and I do put a lot of effort into them, and with how busy I am it will be hard to do weekly posts. I will try my best to do two a month. I don't have time to play many games, let alone write. So at the moment two posts a month is what I am shooting for, hopefully I can increase this within the next couple of months, here's hoping. So I will be branching from more than just video games, I will see about covering much more in the games industry but still sticking to critiquing the design of games.

I am sorry for this long delay but I have not given up and I shall return shortly.

I will write for you all shortly.

Thank you for reading.

Have a wonderful time.


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